
Neck, throat, mouth

Folded tongue

A folded tongue (lingua plicata) is considered a benign condition in which the back of the tongue is covered with deep grooves (grooves, cracks). This language is also often called scrotal.

Crimson tongue in adults and children: what does it mean, causes

The presence of a disease is often indicated by a change in the normal color of the tongue, and a crimson tongue (red-purple or rose-red) is also an important diagnostic feature.

Binding sensation in the mouth: diagnosis, treatment

An astringent sensation in the mouth can be a sign of a disease, or it develops for natural reasons, for example, as a result of the action of a substance on the oral mucosa. There are many substances that have an astringent effect, for example, berries, oils, spices.

Binding sensation in the mouth: causes, consequences

Almost always, astringent sensations arise in connection with eating persimmon, because it contains a large number of phytocides, glycosides, and other natural components that, when in contact with the mucous membranes of the oral cavity of humans and other animals, cause astringent sensations.

Metallic taste in the mouth: a sign of illness

Usually nausea combined with a metallic taste in the mouth is one of the signs of poisoning. Nausea indicates that dyspeptic syndrome develops, there are signs of acute abdomen. The taste of metal suggests that the poison has already penetrated the blood.

Metallic taste in the mouth: what does it mean

Metallic taste in the mouth can appear in patients with diseases of the kidneys, liver. Often observed with cirrhosis of the liver, with stomatitis, erosions and ulcers, bleeding. Often this is seen with a hangover, in people prone to alcohol abuse, in chronic alcoholics, or drug addicts.

Redness of gums in an adult and child

In order to avoid this symptom and the diseases associated with it, it is important to understand the risk factors that can lead to gingivitis of the gums. First and foremost, it is worth noting the health and hygiene of the oral cavity as a whole.

Why do the upper and lower lips turn blue?

The appearance of the lips is an indicator of the state of health. Consider why the lips turn blue, the main causes, the accompanying symptoms, the methods of diagnosis and treatment.

White spots on the tip, on the side of the tongue: what are the causes, reasons, than to treat

White spots in the language - this is a fairly common phenomenon among people of childhood and adulthood. Many people do not pay attention to this symptom, as they are sure that the reason is the lack of a balanced diet.

Consequences of biting the lips from the inside: the formation of sores, cones, treatment

Probably every person has had to bite his lip at least once in his life and come across unpleasant sensations as a result of it. Many do not pay attention to such trifles, just suffer the pain for a while, and then forget about it.


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