
Pregnancy - Top 100

Bloating or flatulence is a condition that often occurs in pregnant women in the first trimester. According to statistics, 75% of women suffer from bloating at early gestation.
Pregnancy is undoubtedly one of the most important stages in a woman's life. This is an exciting and beautiful period, which, however, is not without feelings and worries. Any pregnancy is accompanied by a change of feelings.
One of the first symptoms of pregnancy is frequent urination in women and delay in menstruation. This is observed 2-3 weeks after conception.
Do not panic immediately if you have this symptom. It is necessary to understand the cause, and then begin to treat.
It should be borne in mind that the feeling of heaviness during pregnancy is mainly due to the inevitable physiological changes and shifts in the general metabolism that occur in the body of women during the entire period of gestation.
An unpleasant symptom that many pregnant women face is heaviness in the abdomen. Let's consider the causes of its appearance, types, methods of treatment and prevention.
Termination of early pregnancy is a concept that includes interrupting pregnancy at the request of a woman before the twelfth week, and also for medical reasons until the twenty-second week.
Pain during delivery can not be predicted: often a woman can easily cope on her own, and sometimes the pain becomes strong and unbearable. Difficultly controlled pain leads to muscle tone and tightens birth ...
The problem of maternal and child health is seen as an important part of health care, which is of paramount importance for the formation of a healthy generation of people from the earliest period of their life.
What are the methods of abortion in the first week? What indications and contraindications for the procedure? We will tell about all this below.


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