
Treatment of allergies

Treatment of bronchial asthma: etiological and pathogenetic

The main criterion for prescribing antiasthmatic drugs in bronchial asthma is the degree of its severity.

Systemic glucocorticoid therapy in the treatment of bronchial asthma

For treatment of patients with bronchial asthma, the drugs of the prednisolone and triamcinolone group are most suitable.

Hemosorption in the treatment of bronchial asthma

Hemosorption is considered as a method of detoxification (with the passage of blood through the hemosorbent the toxins are removed) and immunocorrection (the function of lymphocytes and phagocytes is activated, the number of receptors to cortisol on the surface of the lymphocyte membranes is increased).

Local glucocorticoid therapy in the treatment of bronchial asthma

Currently, bronchial asthma is considered as a chronic inflammatory process in the bronchi leading to hyperreactivity and bronchial obstruction. In this regard, the main direction in the treatment of bronchial asthma is anti-inflammatory (basic) therapy.

Unloading and diet therapy

Unloading and dietary therapy (RET) or dosed therapeutic starvation is a complete abstinence from eating without restricting the intake of water during the discharge period, followed by a gradual transition to exogenous food (food intake) with the help of special diets.

Specific and nonspecific hyposensitization

Specific immunotherapy gives a positive therapeutic effect in pollen bronchial asthma - in 70% of patients, with domestic bronchial asthma - in 80-95% with a disease duration of less than 8 years.

Membrane stabilizing preparations

In order to influence the pathochemical phase of inflammation of bronchial asthma, the following tools are used: membrane stabilizing drugs, which prevent the degranulation of mast cells ...


Antihistamines block N1-histamine receptors (including bronchi), thereby reducing bronchospasm, permeability of the capillaries and swelling of the bronchi, suppress the excessive response of the bronchi to histamine.

Tablets that remove itching: skin, in intimate places, with allergies

Itching can accompany many diseases and conditions - allergies, inflammations, skin infections and even pathologies of internal organs. Often patients are ready for much, if only to reduce the appearance of skin itching, because such feelings sometimes become simply intolerable. Are there effective drugs - for example, tablets from itching?


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