
Symptoms of osteochondrosis

Syndrome of the vertebral artery

Diseases of the nervous system are inextricably linked with diseases of the blood vessels, because often with neurological pathologies symptoms such as dizziness, headaches, fatigue, sensation of "flies" before the eyes, mental disorders are observed.

Why does the neck hurt and what to do?

When a person has a neck ache, then usually the last thing you want is to understand the causes, and most of all - immediately stop suffering.

Coccyx osteochondrosis (coccygodynia)

Coccygodynia - a syndrome that manifests itself like paroxysmal or permanent pain in the anal-coccygeal region. First described in 1859 by J. Simpson.

Symptoms of spinal cord injury

Symptoms of damage to the interstitial and suprainfacial ligaments depend on the duration of injury and associated spinal injuries. At the same time, the clinical diagnosis of these lesions is rather complicated: a palpation injury is often not always detected, since displacements in the vertebral region are minor, and also radiographs may not always help in making a diagnosis.

Osteochondrosis of the lumbosacral spine

One of the most characteristic symptoms of discogenic osteochondrosis of the lumbosacral spine is considered to be the acute development of pain following the influence of some mechanical factor (for example, the concept of gravity, the inclination of the trunk, etc.).

Osteochondrosis of the thoracic spine

Unlike discogenic lumbar and cervical syndromes, the neurological complications of disc protrusions in the thoracic region remain to this day a lot of clinical casuistry.

Osteochondrosis of the cervico-thoracic spine

Cervical vertebral pathology almost always begins with pain or discomfort in the neck. Pain in the cervical region (at rest or under load) is aggravated after resting, at the beginning of movement or during normal household loads (with sudden movements).

Osteochondrosis of the spine: neurological complications

Beginning with Hildebrandt (1933), who proposed the designation of an "osteochondrosis of the intervertebral disc" to define a vast degenerative process that affects not only the cartilage but also the subchondral part of adjacent vertebrae, this term has become widespread in the work of morphologists, radiologists and clinicians.

Combined disorders of posture

The round-concave back occurs more often than the others and is characterized by increased bending of the spine in the anteroposterior direction. The amount of lumbar lordosis depends on the degree of pelvic incline forward. The more the pelvis is tilted forward, the more pronounced will be the lordosis in the lumbar region.

Fixed lumbar lordosis

Fixed lumbar hyperextension in lumbar osteochondrosis has a number of specific features. This is, first and foremost, an unfavorable course for diseases with severe pain syndrome, with a prolonged course of exacerbation, a patient's negative response to traction therapy, and physical exercises associated with muscle stretching.


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