
List Pain – B

Kidney pain is a symptom of many diseases, which has a wide range of clinical significance: from functional disorders to conditions that threaten the patient's life. Being a frequent symptom in outpatient practice, kidney pain requires a rational diagnostic strategy, primarily from the perspective of a general practitioner who is often the first to encounter such patients.
In most cases, the pain associated with breathing points to the mediastinum, the pleura or the near-cardiac region, as an alleged source of pain. Breathing movements can also affect the pain in the chest wall and not be symptoms of heart disease.

Almost every person has chest pain, not inferior in frequency to headache, abdominal pain. Chest pain complaints are quite common in primary medical practice. Each year, approximately 2% of all outpatient doctor visits are associated with chest pain complaints.

Unpleasant sensations in the stomach, bloating and heartburn, nausea and, as they say, pain in the bowels. These symptoms occur in everyone and almost daily. The digestive system sometimes does not cope with the fact that we "force" it to digest. The more frequent failures occur in the digestive system, the more likely one or a whole complex of diseases.
Bone pain is one of the most debilitating side effects of various diseases - from osteoarthrosis to cancer, or the result of trauma. Each of these diseases has its own symptoms and causes, and each requires immediate medical attention.
The pain in the bones can be caused by a variety of pathologies of bones, vessels, joints, muscles, nerves, sensorimotor disorders, irradiating pain in diseases of the heart, lungs, pleura, liver and spleen, digestive and genito-urinary tracts.
The bladder is one of the organs of the endocrine system, in its structure a hollow muscular sac. It consists of five divisions passing into each other: the tip, the body of the bladder, the median umbilical ligament, the bottom of the bladder.
Need I say that birth pain is the prerogative of women, men are only aware of them from pictures, videos or horror stories
With pain in the hip joint, it is necessary to inquire about the condition of other joints. Tenderness in the hip may be associated with pathology in the lumbar spine, in the sacroiliac joints, in the abdominal cavity or pelvic cavity.
Chronic pelvic pain can be a cause of great discomfort in women of reproductive age. There is usually a history of chronic chronic pelvic pain with secondary dysmenorrhea and deep dyspareunia. Pain can be either a cause or a consequence of emotional problems. The patient may be depressed.
We imagine breathing as such a natural process that we are never visited by the thought of its mechanism. Only when inhaling or exhaling we feel pain in the back, chest, we begin to think about those reasons that could lead to unimportant well-being.
Back pain on the right is one of the most common symptoms. It is observed in a variety of ailments, so the guarantee of its favorable treatment with a successful result is an accurate diagnosis. Carefully conducted examination, as a rule, gives an excellent opportunity to find out the cause of pain in the back to the right.
Back pain on the right is most often associated with impaired functioning of the genitourinary system, inflammation of the appendix, intestinal and renal diseases, the formation of a hernia, pathological processes in the spine.
Back pain on the left is an extremely common symptom. It occurs in a variety of diseases, and therefore the key to success in its treatment is as accurate as possible diagnosis. A scrupulous examination of the body, as a rule, makes it possible to clearly determine the cause of the appearance of pain.
Sedentary life sooner or later begins to affect the health of a person: there is pain in the back in the morning, it becomes harder to get out of bed, and it takes some time to move a little, to disperse, and thereby reduce pain. At the same time, sometimes the pain is not felt at night, and in principle you can get a good night's sleep. However, if you spend the night in an uncomfortable bed, being in one position, then in the morning you will be awakened by a drawing pain in the lower back.
Many women (about 50-70%) have back pain during pregnancy at any stage of it. Back pain during pregnancy can be both weak and very strong and deliver a lot of unpleasant moments. In most cases, this problem can be solved with the help of fairly simple techniques and certain changes in the lifestyle and habits of a pregnant woman.
Pain in the lower back during pregnancy can occur at any time, while the pain may differ in nature and intensity. Closer to the onset of labor, such pain can result from the fact that the baby's head puts pressure on the lumbar region of the spine.
Pain in the lower back in the early stages of pregnancy, depending on the severity of the symptoms, can be both a completely natural phenomenon associated with sprain, and a rather alarming sign that signals any malfunctions in the body.
Back pain in children often centers in the lower back. Such a pain syndrome often happens in young children, but more widespread among adolescents, especially among those who are actively involved in sports.
This type of back pain may be a symptom of many diseases. Therefore, if the pain does not pass more than 12 hours - it does not matter whether they are strong or weak and aching - you should always consult a doctor to clarify the diagnosis.


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