
Information about doctor

The doctor Jack Baniel is a recognized specialist in oncourology and surgery of the bladder (including reconstructive), urethra, kidney, prostate gland and testicles.

A graduate of the Faculty of Medicine at Tel-Aviv University (now his professor of clinical urological surgery), was an intern at Israeli, South African and American medical institutions.

He has extensive practical experience in performing surgical interventions to remove tumors of the bladder, kidney, prostate, testicles; recovery of the urinary tract; Correction of congenital anomalies of the urogenital area.

He is fluent in techniques and high-precision technologies of minimally invasive operations (including using a robot-assisted surgical system) with maximum preservation of the affected organs and their functions.

He is the author of over a hundred scientific publications on urology and uro-oncology, a participant in international research in this field of clinical medicine.

Languages spoken Hebrew and English.

Profile on Researchgate

Education and work experience

  • Faculty of Medicine Tel Aviv University, Israel
  • Internship and Residency at Beilinson Hospital in Petah Tikva, Israel
  • Training in the field of oncourology at the University of Johannesburg Witwatersrand, South Africa
  • Internship in the field of surgery for cancer of the urinary tract, testicular cancer, reconstruction of the urinary tract at the University of Indiana, USA

Membership in international organizations

  • Israel Medical Association
  • European Association of Urology
  • European Oncourological Association
  • American Urological Association
  • International Association of Urology and Oncourology
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