
Information about doctor

Nir Vasserberg - this is an experienced and qualified specialist practicing surgeon of colorectal direction. He is deservedly ranked among the most respected international experts in the field of surgical proctology.

The professor Vasserberg uses in his work the newest methods to cure metastatic processes, which are the result of long-existing primary tumor foci. The doctor is an advanced specialist who selects individual and combined therapy regimens for patients with oncological pathologies.

The work experience of the professor is more than two decades. Over the years, thousands of surgical interventions have been performed, and patients from all over the world often become doctors.

Nir Vasserberg regularly participates in the conduct of specialized research on the topic of proctology, studies work in the field of the formation of tumor and inflammatory processes in the intestine, as well as the development of cancer of the pelvic organs, large intestine and rectum.

The professor is the author of fifty scientific papers that were published at various times in the world medical periodical press.

In addition to clinical practice, the doctor Vasserberg actively teaches surgery and colorectal surgery for students of the Faculty of Medicine at the University of Tel Aviv, holds the position of senior clinical teacher, has a doctorate in medicine.

Education and work experience

  • Degree of Doctor of Medicine (MD) at Tel Aviv University
  • Internship in surgery at the hospital Beilinson MC them. Rabin, Israel
  • Internship in Colorectal Surgery in the United States at the University of Miami at Jackson Memorial Hospital as a small intestine transplant researcher
  • Internship in Colorectal Surgery in the United States at the University of Southern California, with a postgraduate post in Colorectal Surgery

Membership in international organizations

  • Israeli Medical Association (IMA)
  • Israeli Association of Surgeons (ISA)
  • Israeli Society for Colon and Rectal Surgery (ASCRS)
  • Israeli Gastroenterology Board (ICG)
  • European Association of Coloproctology (ESCP)
  • American Association for Colon and Rectal Surgery (ASCRS)
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