
Mental Health

Memory malfunction

Memory impairment is a pathological condition associated with the inability to fully conserve, accumulate and use information obtained in the process of perception of the surrounding world.


Hiccup (singultus) is a repeated unintentional contraction of the diaphragm, accompanied by a sudden closure of the glottis, which leads to a delay in inspiration and causes a characteristic sound

Psychogenic dysphagia

Psychogenic dysphagia is a syndrome of impaired swallowing within the framework of psychogenic disorders of the tone and motility of the esophagus. The clinical picture is characterized by a sensation of a coma in the throat or behind the breastbone, as a result of which food gets stuck during the meal and hardly passes or does not pass at all. In addition to difficulty swallowing, usually there are heartburn, pain in the sternum and various vegetative disorders

Mutism (complete silence)

Mutism refers to the most severe disorders of speech initiation and is manifested by the loss of the ability to vocalize in general, that is, complete silence. Lighter forms of speech initiation disorders are manifested only by a delay (delay) in the initiation of speech (for example, in Parkinson's disease).

Hypersomnia (pathological drowsiness)

Hypersomnia (pathological drowsiness) can complicate the course of many diseases of the main nervous system and manifests itself as a permanent and paroxysmal (periodic) hypersomnia.

Pathological inclination of the trunk forward

The pathological inclination of the trunk forward (camptocormia in the broad sense) can be permanent, periodic, paroxysmal, rhythmic ("bows"). It can cause pain, postural instability, cause or aggravate dysbasia, lead to falls.

Neurogenic dysphagia: causes, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment

The swallowing function consists in precisely controlled transport of the food lump and fluid from the mouth into the esophagus. Since the air and food streams, crossing, have a common path in the mouth and throat, there is a thin mechanism of their separation during swallowing to prevent ingestion of ingested food in the airways.

Sleep and other diseases

In 75% of cases, strokes develop during the day, the remaining 25% occur during the period of a night's sleep. The frequency of subjective sleep disorders in strokes is 45-75%, and the frequency of objective violations reaches 100%, and they can manifest themselves in the form of the appearance or increase of insomnia, sleep apnea syndrome, sleep cycle inversion.


Parasomnias are various episodic events that arise in a dream. They are numerous, diverse in their clinical manifestations and can be expressed in different stages and phases of sleep, as well as at the stages of transition from wakefulness to sleep and vice versa. Parasomnias can cause insomnia or drowsiness, psychosocial stress, harm to themselves and others.

Restless legs syndrome and periodic limb movement syndrome

Movement disorders in sleep are numerous, but most often they are considered within the framework of restless legs syndrome and the syndrome of periodic limb movements. The causes of these syndromes are diverse: polyneuropathies, rheumatoid arthritis (> 30%), parkinsonism, depression, pregnancy (11%), anemia, uremia (15-20%), caffeine abuse.


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