
Information about doctor

The doctor of medicine Eli Hayman specializes in pediatric and neonatal neurology, the treatment of epileptic seizures, stroke of childhood, motor and cerebral disorders, congenital neurological defects, brain defects and mental development. Practical experience - more than 30 years

He graduated from the Faculty of Medicine of Tel Aviv University and an internship at the State Medical Center Assaf ha-Rofe; upgraded skills in the United States (at the Basic Children's Hospital at Harvard Medical School in Boston); Neonatology course mastered in Canada.

Today is an active member of professional societies: the Israeli Association of Pediatric Neurologists, the American Association of Pediatric Neurology, the American Association for the Treatment of Epilepsy.

He speaks Hebrew and English.

Education and work experience

  • Tel Aviv University Medical University, Israel
  • Residency in the field of pediatric neurology at the medical center "Asaf-a-Rofe", Israel
  • Advanced training at Harvard University, USA
  • Internship in pediatric neurology, neurophysiology and epilepsy at the multi-disciplinary Boston Clinic, USA
  • Specialization in the care of premature babies at a clinic in Toronto, Canada

Membership in international organizations

  • Israel Medical Association
  • Israeli Association of Pediatric Neurologists
  • American Association of Child Neurology
  • American Association for the Treatment of Epilepsy
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