
Information about doctor

The doctor Yona Avni is a well-known and sought-after gastroenterologist in Israel and beyond. More than twenty years of work experience, teaching at the university, participation in numerous professional associations, her scientific research (more than 60 articles published in medical journals) earned the respect of her colleagues, and her patients were loved by a friendly character.

Yona Avni specializes in diseases of the digestive system, namely:

  • intestinal inflammation;
  • non-specific colitis and others;
  • the liver;
  • hepatitis B and C;
  • peptic ulcer disease;
  • Crohn's disease;
  • cholelithiasis;
  • cholecystitis;
  • pancreatitis.

In addition, she is engaged in the diagnosis and treatment of:

  • biliary dyskinesia;
  • irritable bowel syndrome;
  • celiac disease;
  • neoplasms of the gastrointestinal tract, including cancer.

Consultations of the doctor are combined with the performance of a number of diagnostic procedures: colonoscopy, gastroscopy, rectoscopy, bile duct stenting, retrograde cholangiopancreatography and others.

The doctor Yona Avni knows 4 languages: English, Polish, Yiddish and Hebrew.

Education and work experience

  • Faculty of Medicine, University of Tel Aviv, Israel
  • Residency at the Medical Center "Soroka" in Beer Sheva, Israel
  • Internship in gastroenterology and hepatology in leading clinics in France

Membership in international organizations

  • Israeli Association of Gastroenterology
  • Israeli Hepatology Association
  • Israeli Association of Inflammatory Bowel Diseases
  • American Gastroenterology Association (AGA)
  • European Liver Disease Association (EASL)
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