

List Diseases – D

Black acanthosis (dystrophy of the skin of the papillary-pigmentosa) is characterized by hyperkeratosis, hyperpigmentation and papillomatosis of the skin, axillae and other large folds.
Retinal dystrophy occurs as a result of a disturbance of the function of the terminal capillaries, pathological processes in them. These changes include pigmentary dystrophy of the retina - hereditary disease of the mesh shell.
Dystrophy (degeneration, keratopathy) of the cornea is a chronic disease, which is based on a violation of general or local metabolic processes.
Dystrophies of the cornea, usually represent bilateral and symmetrical disorders of a hereditary nature.

Among the numerous dental problems, there is one more - a dystopic tooth, that is, located incorrectly (from the Greek dystopia - incorrect location or lack of space) or erupted in the wrong place.

Dystopia of the kidney is an abnormality of development, characterized by an abnormal position of the kidney structures. This developmental disorder occurs with a frequency of 2.8% of all kidney malformations.
Dysthymia is a chronic condition that lasts at least two years, characterized by a depressed mood for more than half a day of the year, but does not meet the criteria for a major depression episode.
Dysplastic nevuses (blue clark nevi) are a variant of acquired melanocytic nevi that are characterized by an increased risk of malignancy due to the preservation of the proliferative activity of immature melanocytes in the epidermis and atypism of cells of varying severity.
Dysplasia ectomesodermal focal (syn: Goltz syndromes, Goltz-Gorlin syndrome, focal dermal hypoplasia, mesoectodermal dysplasia syndrome) is a rare disease, probably genetically heterogeneous, but in most cases inherited X-linked dominantly fatal in male fetuses
Ectodermal dysplasia is a group of hereditary diseases caused by abnormal development of the ectoderm, and is combined with various changes in the epidermis and appendages of the skin.
The nose pyramid is the most prominent part of the face, playing along with other main recognizable external organs of the head (eyes, mouth, ears) the most important cosmetic role in the well-being of the individual physiognomic image of man.

Statistics highlights only certain types of dysphoria, for example, premenstrual dysphoric disorder occurs in 5–8% of women of childbearing age, and patients of 25–35 years are most susceptible to it.

Dysphagia (violation of swallowing) - describe as a feeling of difficulty when swallowing liquid or thick food, regardless of the true causes and localization of the defect. This phenomenon is based on diseases of the perinepharyngeal muscle and proximal esophagus, caused by the pathology of skeletal muscles.
The term "dyspepsia", proposed by the Austrian pediatrician N. Widerhofer at the end of the last century, meant diseases of the gastrointestinal tract in children of a "functional" nature.
Dyspepsia is a feeling of pain or discomfort (heaviness, overflow, early saturation) located in the epigastric region closer to the median line.
Dysmorphophobic disorder is characterized by concern with imaginary or minor appearance defects, which causes severe distress or disrupts social, professional or other functioning. The diagnosis is based on anamnestic information
Of the disorders of the obsessive-compulsive spectrum, attention is drawn to dysmorphophobia (DMF). The main symptom of dysmorphophobia is concern about an imaginary or insignificant defect in the exterior. In studies conducted in accordance with the DSM-IV criteria, DMP was detected in 12% of patients with OCD.
The term "dysmenorrhea" refers to a wide range of neurovegetative, metabolic-endocrine, mental and emotional abnormalities, the leading manifestation of which is the pain syndrome caused by the pathological accumulation in the endometrium on the eve of menstruation of the degradation products of arachidonic acid (prostaglandins, thromboxanes, leukotrienes and monoamino acids), enhancing the afferentation of impulses, annoying pain centers in the central nervous system.
Dyslipidemia is an increase in plasma cholesterol and (or) a decrease in triglyceride or HDL levels, which contributes to the development of atherosclerosis. The causes of dyslipidemia may be primary (genetically determined) or secondary. The diagnosis is established by measuring the levels of total cholesterol, triglycerides and lipoproteins in the blood plasma.
Dyskinesia of the large intestine is a functional disorder of the colon, characterized by a violation of its motor function in the absence of organic changes. The most widely used term abroad for the functional pathology of the colon is "irritable bowel syndrome".


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