
Examination of women with miscarriage

To find out the causes of this problem, a comprehensive survey of women with miscarriage is conducted.

During the examination, it is necessary to find out not only what diseases the woman suffered, but also with what medications their treatment was carried out. A thorough gynecological examination of internal genital organs (including ultrasound of pelvic organs), a biochemical blood test to the level of various hormones, a study of the function of the ovaries, thyroid and pancreas are needed.

Ultrasound with miscarriage

Currently, the most significant non-invasive method of research in obstetrics and gynecology is ultrasound. For the visualization of congenital malformations of the uterus, the second phase of the menstrual cycle is more informative, when the endometrium in the phase of secretion clearly delineates the contours of the uterine cavity.

Study of hemostasiograms in miscarriage

Hemostasiogram studies are the main test for the detection of autoimmune disorders. At present, the spectrum of haemostasis studies is quite wide, but the interpretation of the revealed violations can be complicated.

Immunological studies of miscarriage

Indications for immunological examination: habitual miscarriage of pregnancy of unknown origin; anembrion in the anamnesis; previous pregnancy with a delay in intrauterine development; intrauterine fetal death at any stage of pregnancy; autoimmune diseases and conditions.

Bacteriological and virological examination with habitual miscarriage of pregnancy

Analysis of literature data and work experience of the department allows to draw a conclusion about the high importance of bacteriological and virological examination of patients with habitual miscarriages.

Genetic examination for miscarriage

If there is an abortion in the anamnesis in the early periods, stillbirths of unknown origin, malformations of the fetus, it is advisable to carry out a genetic examination of the couple in the conditions of medical genetic counseling or a specialized laboratory.

Hormonal studies on miscarriage

The goal of hormonal studies in patients with habitual miscarriage is to determine the causes of NLF formation, the severity of hormonal disorders for the selection of adequate therapy.

Tests of functional diagnostics

To determine the characteristics of the menstrual cycle and endocrine influences, studies are conducted using functional diagnostic tests. Currently, only the basal temperature record is used from all tests.

Methods of research of miscarriage

It should be noted that in the literature there is often an opinion that it is not necessary to carry out a survey due to habitual miscarriage, as every couple has a 60% chance of communicating a pregnancy without examination and treatment, and only 40% of it is lost again.

Examination outside pregnancy

Examination of women with miscarriage begins with a general examination, pay attention to the growth and body weight, the nature of the build, the severity of secondary sexual characteristics, the presence and nature of obesity, hirsutism, the presence of streaks on the skin (striae).

Examination of patients with habitual miscarriage

Examination of women outside pregnancy is necessary not only to understand the causes of embryo / fetal death, but also to assess the condition of the reproductive system of the spouses. The question of the time of examination is widely debated in the literature.
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